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Upstream Investments - Find
2-1-1 Sonoma County
2-1-1 Sonoma County is a real-time telephone and web-based system that allows users to find program and contact information about services in the community. Users can speak to a call specialist who rapidly conducts a needs assessment, identifies relevant resources and provides referrals to services. Users can also search an extensive service database online.
Accepted to the Portfolio: August 2015
Target Outcomes
Short Term Outcomes
- Time savings and receipt of accurate resource information for individuals looking for help
- Appropriate referrals from informed clients for resource agencies
- Access to timely information about community needs and trends for the community
Long Term Outcomes
- Financial stability and improved quality of life for individuals
- Reduced number of people in need of resources
- Improved mission focus and community collaboration for resource agencies
- Improved ability to identify and direct funding toward critical needs for funders
Target Population
- Transitional Age Youth (16 - 24)
- Adults 25 - 60
- Older Adults (60+)
- Families with Children
Service Area
- Southeast (District 1)
- Southwest (District 2)
- Central (District 3)
- Northeast (District 4)
- Northwest (District 5)