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Anti-Racist Results-Based Accountability (AR-RBA)

Why word cloud

Upstream Investments is bringing anti-racism to Results-Based Accountability in partnership with the Sonoma County Office of Equity and with the support of Equity & Results and Clear Impact. Anti-Racist Results-Based Accountability (AR-RBA) is a tool for strategic planning and a framework for performance management through which practitioners:

  • Cease the erasure of historically marginalized communities
  • Use demographic data to disrupt inequity
  • Maintain data transparency
  • Take responsibility for outcomes and commit to do better

AR-RBA begins by recognizing that inequities exist in Sonoma County as a result of generations of institutional and structural racism. AR-RBA provides an ends-to-means framework to assess whether investments are actively mitigating inequities in Black, Indigenous, Asian and local communities of color.

Advancing equity in our County demands that we look at community and program level data by race and other demographic indicators (e.g. race/ethnicity, language, gender, disability) to adopt strategies to eliminate inequities. AR-RBA uses local data to tell community stories with integrity and honors lived experiences. Through a focus on race and ethnicity we daylight our systems’ contribution to the disproportionally negative outcomes experienced by local communities of color.

learn and growTrainings and Technical Assistance

Interested in implementing Anti-Racist Results-Based Accountability? Upstream Investments and the Sonoma County Human Services Department and the Sonoma County Office of Equity offer free courses and technical assistance. Racial equity prework is required for participation in courses. Please see below for our current offerings.

Current Offerings

Apr 2025
2:00 - 3:00 p.m.

AR-RBA Office Hours

Apr 2025
9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Equity in Data Training

May 2025
1:00 - 3:00 p.m.

AR-RBA Office Hours

Scorecards for Sonoma County Safety Net Departments

The Scorecard contains data from select contracted programs using Results-Based Accountability and Anti-Racist Results-Based Accountability. The Scorecard is not representative of every County program or community-based organization (CBO) contracted program offered. A select number of programs funded by safety net departments and operated by contracted agencies are contained in the Scorecard. Programs were selected for inclusion in the Scorecard based on criteria of being funded by a County safety net department and a capacity and level of readiness to participate. The goal is for the adoption of Anti-Racist Results-Based Accountability across all contracted programs funded by safety net departments in the next 3-5 years.

At this time programmatic data is not available for contracted programs funded by the Department of Health Services.