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Casa - Court Appointed Special Advocates
The purpose of the Casa program is to ensure that abused and neglected children receive high-quality, sensitive, effective and timely representation in court hearings to determine their guardianship. Casa humanizes the complex child welfare system for the child victim by providing a trained volunteer who will act as a consistent role model and advocate for the child's best interests.
Accepted to the Portfolio: June 2015
Target Outcomes
Short Term Outcomes
- Incorporation of recommendations from CASA volunteers into hearing court orders
- Improved service for children and families
- Increase in the number of cases closed within 12 months of being opened
- Increase in the number of children placed in their home of origin
Long Term Outcomes
- Increased permanency
- Reduced time in foster care
- Increased number of children in family-based settings
- Improved child health
- Improved school success
Target Population
- Youth (0 - 21)
Service Area
- Southeast (District 1)
- Southwest (District 2)
- Central (District 3)
- Northeast (District 4)
- Northwest (District 5)
Program Funders
Many thanks to the following funders for making this program possible.
Local Funders
- Grants
- Individual Contributions
- Special Events
- Corporations