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Youth and Family Development through Martial Arts

MAYi's goal is to provide those youth of lesser economic circumstances the opportunity to engage in the extensive benefits that the martial arts have to offer. We focus on youth from 4 to adult, to participate in this training through the enrichment of a multi-cultural environment where differences are not negative but embraced. Self-esteem, respect, focus, determination, self-discipline and self-control are just a few of the proven attributes these children have to gain. For the teens it will help provide direction and motivation in a peer supported setting as an alternative to drugs, gangs and the streets. For the adults it will give them a full understanding of the 10 Life Management Skills and how to use them in all areas of their lifeā€™s, hence, making positive adults and more empowered parents.

Accepted to the Portfolio: September 2013

Target Outcomes

Short Term Outcomes

  • Improved health
  • Increased homework completion and submission
  • Increased value for community
  • Respect for others and for self
  • Improved attitudes
  • Increased ability and willingness to set goals

Long Term Outcomes

  • Improved community health
  • Decreased gang involvement
  • Increased high school graduation
  • Positive civic involvement

Target Population


  • KindergartenĀ  - 12th Grade
  • Transitional Age Youth (16 - 24)

Service Area


  • Southeast (District 1)
  • Southwest (District 2)
  • Central (District 3)
  • Northeast (District 4)
  • Northwest (District 5)
