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Grade Level Proficiency Project

The Grade Level Proficiency Project (GLPP) is a comprehensive professional development classroom-based coaching program for teachers in grades 1-3 with students who have below grade level proficiency in reading and math. GLPP combines grade-appropriate evidence-informed online reading and math programs, implementation of 21st century Common Core State Standards, and in-class modeling and training for both teachers and students. Experienced teachers serve as coaches to classroom teachers in grades 1-3 to use technology to help guide teacher instruction and engage all students so that they achieve grade level proficiency in math and language arts upon completion of the third grade.

GLPP is a blended learning reading and math program that includes the following four components:
• Personalized learning for both students and teachers.
•Technology to engage students and provide a rigorous and challenging curriculum.
• On-site coaching by experienced peer teachers who train and support the teachers.
• Self-leveling language arts and math software with diagnostic tools for rapid feedback
• Language arts and math instruction that supports and complements the Common Core curriculum.

Accepted to the Portfolio: May 2016

Target Outcomes

Short Term Outcomes

  • Students with regular access to computers and trained teachers in the use of hardware and software make significant gains in reading, language arts and math
  • Students are working at or above grade level in reading and math
  • Teachers and instructional assistants agree that the professional development they receive from the coaches/program managers meet their needs
  • Teachers report that the use of technology helps them effectively meet curricular goals and individualize curriculum to meet student needs
  • Teachers and instructional assistants agree or strongly agree that they have adequate technical support to keep the technology running

Long Term Outcomes

  • Glpp students who read at or above grade level at the end of 3rd grade have a greater likelihood of graduating high school than students who read below grade level at the end of 3rd grade
  • Students will attend post-secondary education
  • Students will be employed in jobs that are financially self-sustaining

Target Population


  • Youth (6 - 15)

Service Area

  • Southeast (District 1)
