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Latino Service Providers Sonoma County

The Latino Service Providers (Lsp) works with community partners to engage, collaborate, and exchange valuable information; to increase awareness of available resources, access to programs and services; to influence public policy, delivery of services, enhance inter-agency communication; and to promote professional development within the Latino population. The Lsp mission is to build a healthier community by serving and strengthening Latino families and children, and reducing disparities related to ethnicity or race within Sonoma County.

Accepted to the Portfolio: May 2013

Target Outcomes

Short Term Outcomes

  • Individuals, parents and families will be informed of the array of services available.
  • Information about services will be provided in easily understood language, in a culturally responsive and respectful manner and in a way that instills trust.
  • Agencies and their staff will be aware of any special needs of the Latino population and the array of usual and specialized services or service providers who may assist them.

Long Term Outcomes

  • Latinos increasingly will seek out and utilize services to improve their quality of life and lead to full inclusion in the local community
  • All Latinos access education, health, employment and housing services they will realize greater self sufficiency
  • Social service agencies in Sonoma County will serve a greater number of members of the Latino community.
  • Community agencies and service providers will increase their collaboration and coordination to better serve the needs of Latino consumers.

Target Population


  • Adult (25 - 60)
  • Older Adult (60+)

Service Area


  • Southeast (District 1)
  • Southwest (District 2)
  • Central (District 3)
  • Northeast (District 4)
  • Northwest (District 5)
