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Road to the Early Achievement and Development of Youth (Ready)

The Road to the Early Achievement and Development of Youth (Ready) is a cross-sector partnership guided by the vision of local collective impact initiatives, Upstream Investments and Cradle to Career.  Built on the premise that prevention-focused policies and interventions have long-term impacts, Ready garners local support for increasing the quality of early childhood education (Ece) and facilitating the transition of young learners from early childhood education to kindergarten.

Ready builds upon the strengths of existing community activities with the goal of increasing the quality of early childhood education, promoting the successful transition of children into kindergarten, and closing the achievement gap.

Ready will be employing three strategies to help meet this bold goal: coaching for early childhood educators, place-based Ready teams, and a standard kindergarten readiness assessment.  These strategies provide opportunities for enhancing the quality of early childhood education services, increasing school readiness, encouraging parental engagement, and aligning early childhood education and kindergarten.

Accepted to the Portfolio: July 2015

Target Outcomes

Short Term Outcomes

  • Integrated data and assessment of children’s learning and behavior across grade
  • Increased alignment of curricula and standards from Birth-3rd grade
  • More developmentally appropriate curricula and standard
  • Positive and mutual relationships between early childhood educators and kindergarten teachers
  • Increased family engagement
  • Increase in quality of early childhood education program
  • Increased investments in Birth-3rd grade strategies that improve school readiness and work to close the achievement gap

Long Term Outcomes

  • Improved kindergarten readiness
  • Increase in number of and access to high quality early childhood education programs
  • Close the achievement gap

Target Population


  • Early Childhood (0 - 5)

Service Area


  • Southeast (District 1)
  • Southwest (District 2)
  • Central (District 3)
  • Northeast (District 4)
  • Northwest (District 5)
