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The overall goal of Sceniq– Students Conducting Environmental Inquiry program is to develop the skills and knowledge students and families need to enjoy nature-based recreational activities on a regular basis which will develop in our young people a lifelong passion for the outdoors.  Through a year-long, nine hour program that includes visits to Pepperwood Preserve in the fall and spring and a school-based lesson in the winter, classes participate in hands-on grade-level specific activities aligned to the California Department of Education Science Content Standards. Students develop literacy skills recording written and visual observations in visually appealing bilingual (English-Spanish) nature journals. All families of students participating in Sceniq are connected to further outdoor experiences at Pepperwood and elsewhere through bilingual leaflets and other collateral. Sceniq typically serves 32-36 classrooms per academic year.

Strategies and Activities:  Sceniq strives to maximize exposure to the natural world. We prepare our teachers for the field experiences by sending them resources designed to enhance their trips prior to their site visits.  These materials include web-based resources, textbook alignment, and literature sourcing.

Accepted to the Portfolio: June 2015

Target Outcomes

Short Term Outcomes

  • Students will learn about local flora, fauna, ecosystems, and natural processes aligned to the California State Education science curriculum
  • Students have an increased desire and motivation to explore nature
  • Parents will  access information about where, why, and how to get their kids outdoors safely
  • Teachers will access high quality lessons tying SCENIQ into classroom learning 

Long Term Outcomes

  • Participants will become lifelong stewards of our environment.
  • A increased percentage will go on to careers in the natural sciences.
  • An increased percentage of participants will also be actively involved in environmental issues related to protection of open space lands.
  • The percentage of households that possess yearly regional and state park passes will increase and be demographically representative.
  • The civic measures that continue to support the Sonoma County Open Space District will be consistently ratified by the general public.
  • Public discourse on environmental issues is abundant, demographically representative, and well informed.

Target Population


  • Kindergarten  - 12th Grade

Service Area

  • Southeast (District 1)
  • Central (District 3)
  • Northeast (District 4)
  • Northwest (District 5)
