Secure Seniors
Secure Seniors is a short-term financial stabilization program that provides financial education, case management support and one-on-one coaching to our most vulnerable elders who are facing significant and immediate financial challenges. The primary goal of Secure Seniors is to financially stabilize 90+% of the participating at-risk senior clients. Through program interventions, the $ecure $eniors program hopes to improve the financial stability of its clients, helping them successfully meet their financial goals such as creating and maintaining a budget, reducing debt and increasing savings to help prevent future crisis. It is our hope that the $ecure $eniors program interventions will also increase participants’ access to affordable healthcare and housing and help them maintain and improve positive mental health.
Accepted to the Portfolio: June 2017
Target Outcomes
Short Term Outcomes
- Clients increase awareness of their current financial situation
- Clients demonstrate a commitment to the re-building process
- Clients create and implement a realistic budget
- Clients pay bills on time and track spending
- Clients are participate in a plan to reduce debt and increase savings
- Clients are aware of affordable housing options
- Participants are aware of affordable health care options and can identify a medical home
- Clients demonstrate increased knowledge of how to be financially stable
- Participants have estate planning documents in place
Long Term Outcomes
- Seniors are safe and sheltered
- Seniors experience improved economic stability
Target Population
- Older Adult (60+)
Service Area
- Southeast (District 1)
- Southwest (District 2)
- Central (District 3)
- Northeast (District 4)
- Northwest (District 5)