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Seeking Safety

Seeking Safety is a present-focused treatment for clients with a history of trauma and substance abuse. The treatment was designed for flexible use: group or individual format, male and female clients, and a variety of settings (e.g., outpatient, inpatient, residential). Seeking Safety focuses on coping skills and psychoeducation and has five key principles: (1) safety as the overarching goal (helping clients attain safety in their relationships, thinking, behavior, and emotions); (2) integrated treatment (working on both post-traumatic stress disorder (Ptsd) and substance abuse at the same time); (3) a focus on ideals to counteract the loss of ideals in both Ptsd and substance abuse; (4) four content areas: cognitive, behavioral, interpersonal, and case management; and (5) attention to clinician processes (helping clinicians work on counter-transference, self-care, and other issues).

Accepted to the Portfolio:

Community Support Network, June 2012
Women's Recovery Services, October 2015
Committee on the Shelterless, July 2016

This is an evidence-based program!  

Target Outcomes

Short Term Outcomes

  • Improved self-care
  • Increased personal safety

Long Term Outcomes

  • Decrease substance use
  • Decrease trauma-related symptoms
  • Increase positive psychopathology measurement.  
  • Increase treatment retention

Target Population


  • Adult (25 - 60)

Service Area

  • Southwest (District 2)
  • Central (District 3)
  • Northwest (District 5)
