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Southwest Family Resource Centers

The Southwest Santa Rosa Family Resource Centers partner with schools and parents to offer neighborhood-based early and comprehensive support for parents/caregivers and their children, age 0-18. The over-arching goal is to provide support to children and families that result in outcomes that lead to community-level change, ultimately eliminating disparities for low-income families and children in Sonoma County. We also intend to serve as a demonstration model for the county, with the goal of disseminating and sustaining the FRC model in neighborhoods where it may be of benefit. 

Through close partnerships with schools, strengthening parenting skills, assisting families to meet their basic needs, providing opportunities for increasing English language skills and self sufficiency and by connecting families to their peers and community services, parents are empowered to more strongly guide and advocate for their children in elementary school and in making positive life choices that contribute to broader community-level change.

Accepted to the Portfolio: January 2013

Target Outcomes

Short Term Outcomes

  •  Increased access to health care & insurance
  • Increased literacy
  • Increased family self-sufficiency
  •  Improved family functioning
  • Increased parenting skills & knowledge
  • Children ready for and successful in kindergarten
  • Increased parent social connections
  • Increased parent community and school involvement
  • Increased access to community and public services

Long Term Outcomes

  • Empowered families
  • Safe neighborhoods
  • Reduced costs to juvenile justice and child welfare systems
  • Healthy children and youth
  • Reduced drop-out and truancy rate
  • Children and youth success in school
  • Reduced youth gang involvement
  • Reduced rate of teen pregnancy
  • Reduced rate of child abuse

Target Population


  • Early Childhood (0 - 5)
  • Kindergarten  - 12th Grade
  • Transitional Age Youth (16 - 24)
  • Adult (25 - 60)

Service Area

  • Northwest (District 5)
