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Summer Reading and Writing Program

The Summer Reading and Writing Academy (Srwa) is a concentrated summer reading and writing intervention program for students exiting grades 1-3 who are below grade level proficiency in reading skills. Srwa combines grade appropriate evidence-informed components for increasing reading skills, implementation of Common Core State Standards, professional development for teachers with the opportunity for teachers to practice the strategies in a real-time setting in the academy, and enrichment activities to support literacy instruction at the Boys & Girls Clubs of Sonoma Valley. Teachers use engaging reading instruction and activities to encourage regular attendance in the academy to eliminate the typical summer learning loss or “summer slide.”

Accepted to the Portfolio: July 2016

Target Outcomes

Short Term Outcomes

  • Professional development helped teachers improve their practice
  • Teachers plan to use strategies they learned in summer during the school year
  • Parents learn the importance of reading to their students at home and read to their students more at home to help eliminate summer slide
  • Students spend time reading at home after academy hours.
  • Students desire to read increases

Long Term Outcomes

  • Improved high school graduation rates
  • Decreased achievement gap
  • Increased number of adults employed in jobs that are financially self-sustaining

Target Population


  • Youth (6 - 11)

Service Area

  • Southeast (District 1)
