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The Consultation Project

In collaboration with providers and families, The Consultation Project will support children's successful participation in their early care and education setting.  Providers will receive training and support in using and integrating evidence-based and best practice in early care and education.  Providers will receive resources and referrals to additional professional and educational organizations. Children will be assessed to identify strengths and challenges, including any underlying developmental needs that effect their ability to learn and socialize successfully Children will be retained in appropriate early care and education settings. Families will be connected with appropriate developmental, health, mental health, and/ or parenting resources as needed to support their child's needs and family health/ functioning.

Accepted to the Portfolio: November 2015

Target Outcomes

Short Term Outcomes

  • Increase in at-risk children that are retained in the classroom
  • Capacity of childcare providers to deal with problem behaviors is increased
  • Parents are linked to resources

Long Term Outcomes

  • Increase in the % of 3 and 4 year old children who attend preschool, childcare, or Head Start for 10 or more hours per week
  • Improved overall classroom climates in Sonoma County

Target Population


  • Early Childhood (0 - 5)
  • Adult (25 - 60)

Service Area


  • Southeast (District 1)
  • Southwest (District 2)
  • Central (District 3)
  • Northeast (District 4)
  • Northwest (District 5)
