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ARPA Community Data

North Sonoma Mountain redwoods 500

The County of Sonoma is committed to transparent financial and programmatic reporting related to these funds. The County adopted Anti-Racist Results Based Accountability (AR-RBA) to support meaningful programmatic monitoring and reporting. The ARPA Scorecard includes AR-RBA metrics for all CRP contracts. Data is updated every six months. For information on transparent financial reporting visit: ARPA CRP -English (

You may have noticed that we've changed the spelling of some words like "hijo" or "hija" to "hije” in Spanish. This is gender-neutral spelling and pronunciation. We do this because we know that there are many gender identities besides male and female, and with this we intend to include your gender identity and that of your family members.

Clear Impact Scorecard

Results Based accountability measures success at the population (community) level through Results and Indicators and at the program level through Performance Measures. To view the ARPA Results and Indicators click on either of the images below. You can view program performance measures through the links to the nine priority area scorecards (also below).

ARPA Graphs