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How to: Root Cause Analysis Practice & Facilitation Training

Date: May 21, 2025

Time: 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

In-person Training Information:

Human Services Department

Employment & Training Division, Santa Rosa Room
2227 Capricorn Way
Santa Rosa, 95407
Google Maps™ Directions

County employees register here: County - Water - HSD
Community partners register here: Eventbrite

Registration Required: Yes

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This course is available to all Sonoma County employees who have completed Foundational Anti-Racist Results-Based Accountability.

This is a capacity-building training designed to help participants facilitate conversations around root cause analysis.  This training provides opportunities to practice both performing and facilitating a root cause analysis. Foundational Anti-Racist Results-Based Accountability Training is a prerequisite for this course.

This training is recommended to those who want to build their skills and understanding of systems change, including contract managers implementing AR-RBA in contracts and County staff and community partners seeking to build skills around equitable decision-making. 

Result: Participants will deepen understanding of AR-RBA concepts around root cause analysis and related facilitation skills.